WARNING: We've re-invented teaching Feel into what it SHOULD be.

Be prepared to let go of your old notions of what 'working with horses' looks like.


The Nervous System is complicated...

But leveraging how your brain works to grow your foundations for ethical horsemanship & building a sustainable horse business doesn't have to be!

You need the right kind of somatic awareness that will help you create a pain-free body, build the mental & physical foundations of Feel, and grow your horse-human communication & advocacy skills.

A place where horsewomen who are sick of burning themselves out in service to the Horse can finally get the support you deserve, using strategies that don't require you to push through pain to do what you love...

The Nervous System is complicated...

But leveraging how your brain works to grow your Feel doesn't have to be!

You need the right kind of somatic awareness that will help you create a pain-free body, build the mental & physical foundations of Feel, and grow your horse-human communication skills.

A place where horsewomen who are sick of burning themselves out in service to the Horse can finally get the support you deserve, using strategies that don't require you to push through pain to do what you love...


  • You don't just "work with horses," you want to help them live better lives, and also feel like you're growing and developing your own mastery at the same time.

  • You want to be seen as a leader in our industry, but you feel like you're caught halfway between the 'woo' and wanting to see and understand the 'science.'

  • You know how to help horses, you've studied several modalities and training methods, but feel like something is missing, and you don’t have time to waste!

  • You feel like you have an expiration date on your body and worry about the day you'll have to retire, give up your dream of building a thriving equine career, or stop riding 🐴 altogether.

  • You have a ton of passion for the horse, but feel like you are giving more than you are getting back.

Bottom line...?

You're a driven horsewoman who is drawn to advocating for horses and growing an equine business. You have big passions and want to create more impact and wellness for yourself (& your horses).

You're a driven horsewoman who is drawn to advocating for horses and growing an equine practice. You have big passions and want to create more impact and freedom for yourself.


You want to make sure you're supported by other like-minded horse-lovers who understand that our industry is changing and the future of ethical horse training and equine 'bodywork' looks a little different - logistically and emotionally.

You want to make sure you're supported by other like-minded horse-lovers who understand that our industry is changing and the future of ethical horse training and equine 'bodywork' looks a little different - logistically and emotionally.

When you are trying to help a prey animal who is operating on survival instincts, physical compensations and usually a dose of learned helplessness, their ability to connect or even 'hear you' is compromised because their nervous system is on high alert AND in partial shut-down at the same time 🤯 AND SO IS YOURS!

We must be able to offer horses what they need, without getting in our own way, and the keys are already inside you.

When you are trying to help a prey animal who is operating on survival instincts, physical compensations and usually a dose of learned helplessness, their ability to connect or even 'hear you' is compromised because their nervous system is on high alert AND in partial shut-down at the same time 🤯 AND SO IS YOURS!

We must be able to offer horses what they need, without getting in our own way.

Welcome to

Welcome to the

FEEL-Embodied™ Academy

A completely different way to build your FOUNDATION for horsemanship, riding and your professional practice with horses.

Specifically designed for the horsewoman (or equine professional) that wants to EMBODY the carrot, and not rely on the stick.

Here at FEEL-Embodied, we understand that to be successful working with horses, you need to take care of your most valuable tool - your own BODY.

BUT - you are more than just a body...

You are a SOMA - a uniquely individual being, a combination of body+mind that exists only as you can experience it: FROM WITHIN

Here at FEEL-Embodied, we understand that to be successful working with horses, you need to take care of your most valuable tool - your own BODY.

That's where the word 'Somatic' comes from - it means body and mind, as one. At least, that was the intended meaning when Thomas Hanna re-defined the word to describe his unique work in the 1970's. (lately you see everyone adding the word 'somatic' to their workouts or therapy methods, and it can be confusing).

Here's the thing:

Your body-awareness and personal 'soundness' are SO important to your success, and the potential impact you can make in the world - BUT the majority of us are not functioning at 100%...

And when your Body Awareness is off... even the best fitness, energy-work, bodywork, body-language, connection-building or 'nervous system regulation' strategies DON'T WORK very well.

How do you know your body-awareness is off?...

1. You can't do as much or focus as well as you used to, but everyone just chalks that up to 'aging.'

2. You wake up stiff most mornings, but warm-up out of it and feel ok the rest of the day, (unless you take a 'funny step' or come off a horse).

3. Your posture (or riding position) seems to be getting worse, no matter how much yoga, pilates or stretching you do.

4. You need regular chiropractic adjustments, massage or consistent workouts to keep yourself functional and manage your crookedness or discomfort.

5. You know WHAT you're supposed to do, but not always HOW to get your energy or body-language to align with your ❤️ and Intention...

I could probably write 20 more, but the REALLY BIG way you know your body-awareness is off...

YOU ARE PUSHING THROUGH PAIN & STIFFNESS DAILY just to keep doing what you love!!!

Because your MIND-BODY AWARENESS and personal 'soundness' are SO important to your success, and the potential impact you can make in the world.

And when your Body Awareness is off... even the best fitness, bodywork, body-language, connection-building or 'nervous system regulation' strategies DON'T WORK very well.

Here is my message to you 👉 It doesn't have to be this way!

Turns out, there is a 'glitch' happening inside your Central Nervous System 🧠 that is blocking your hard-wired natural ability to move WITHOUT PAIN, to have FEEL and CONNECT easily...

(it's called Motor-Sensory Amnesia, and it's shortening your career, but more on that later)

Get a proven system for transforming your posture, natural nervous system activation, and self-paced courses. All combined to get you maximum results!

The FEEL-Embodied™ System


I have spent the last 13 years perfecting a proven brain-body activation and Somatic Approach to Horsemanship system that is designed to guide you through the self-care, mindset-shift, and hands-on implementation of everything you need to finally grow your Feel (and your results with horses) using proven neuroscience.

When you join you get LIFETIME ACCESS to the FEEL-Embodied™️ Key #1 and all it's updates, so you always have the training and support you need to continue take care of your body and elevate your horsemanship, right at your fingertips.

Revolutionary Somatic Movement

Too many horse professionals, equine bodyworkers and DVMs are retiring early because they are in so much pain...

Working with horses doesn't have to wear out your body, and Hanna Somatics is the solution you won't find in any other equestrian coaching program!

Yes, it's similar to Feldenkrais, but includes the unique addition of Voluntary Pandiculation, which is the key to naturally activate your 'energy' and grow the exact part of your brain in charge of developing Feel with the SAME somatic exercises that rapidly reverse and prevent your stubbornly recurring muscle tension, poor posture and back-pain.

We dive deep into Hanna Somatic Movement in our self-guided Key #1 Courses, so you can move through the lessons at your own pace.

High-Impact Micro-Coaching

We know that weekly group calls don't work (especially for horse professionals). In Key #2 & Key #3, you need specific feedback on behavior, body issues, and technique and waiting a whole week for 5 minutes of support just won't cut it.

The micro-coaching system allows me to get you VERY SPECIFIC FEEDBACK as you need it, no matter your schedule.

And it's not just high level coaching, we are talking about foundation exercises, visualization, basic neuroscience, recognizing the little moments of connection, mysterious lameness questions, developing your eye, talking to clients, hoof handling, and so much more.... personally reviewed by me.

And our micro-coaching systems means I can help you adjust until it's working. Now that's support!

Family-Style Community

Just because a program has a Facebook Group for its members doesn't mean it's a community.

I take connection very seriously, both horse and human - (it's one of the Five Agreements I'll share with you in FE Keys #2 + #3!)

Not only do we prompt you on what to post to get feedback, we also have a family culture where you not only get support, but long lasting connections and friendships.

And most importantly, we create a safe space where you feel comfortable sharing when you get stuck. This is SO IMPORTANT to your success.

You will always be seen and will never fall through the cracks. That's a promise.

"I can finally feel when my energy is up or down, and I can be so much more subtle with my aids, it's like my horse is reading my mind all the time now, not just on those rare magical days!"

- Sarah P. (Dressage Rider)

To get your body-awareness under control, I'll guide you through three key growth pillars that will make you so masterfully present that horses will be magnetized to you, and when they do you'll have a Feel and ability to communicate that transcends disciplines, training styles and geographical borders, and works with every single horse.

KEY #1

Body Awareness

Build Your Somatic (mind-body) Integration

Working with horses is challenging enough without having to push through pain or use conscious effort to control your posture or body position.

The problem is that everyone is talking about the nervous system but they don't actually understand how it works to control your tension levels or how it blocks your natural ability to have Feel.

Luckily, basic neuroscience can explain why we get stuck in our habits and collect more and more tension over time - AND how to reverse it using Hanna Somatics.

And of course, we can do the same for our horses!

You don't have to accept the symptoms of 'aging' or carry around your old injuries anymore - we'll re-write your patterns at the root, together.

KEY #2

Shared Awareness

Create a Contract Between Horse+Human

Growing a relationship is really hard if the horse is so internally focused that they don't even know you exist - or worse, if they do but they just don't want to talk to you...

If you're tired of being told to get your horses attention ALL THE TIME (2 eyes, 2 ears), to constantly help 'regulate' them or to spend hours and hours of 'undemanding' time hoping horses will magically become 'tuned in,' you're in the right place.

Instead I teach you how to ACTIVELY OFFER the kind of connection and validation horses need, and to recognize when they need it, so you can support their posture by encouraging their development of Self-Confidence, Self-Carriage & Self-Regulation.

We utilize engaging embodiement strategies, simple exercises and an intuitive self-rewarding system to create trust, healthy boundaries and get you engaged in rewarding inter-species conversations.

KEY #3

Energetic Awareness

Speak in the Language of Lightness

Everything you do with horses involves energy, intention and body-language but without a step-by-step system for learning HOW to use them, we often find ourselves using too much pressure or volume.

It's not enough to just be seen, followed or obeyed. You need to be understood (and know when that happens) if you want your partnership to grow in the healthiest way.

Once your body-awareness and approach to connection are dialed in, you'll be ready to learn a completely NEW non-verbal 'sentence structure' that makes inviting conversations and growing your relationships with horses MUCH EASIER.

And your new approach to getting consent and supporting deeper connection ensures horses keep coming back WITHOUT you having to ask, to tip-toe around their emotions or ever 'make' it happen!

Without the right embodiment systems, progress becomes a LOT harder (and slower!)

If you want to be masterful with horses, then you have to build trust in layers.

Trust in your body. Trust from horses. Trust that you can feel things you can't see...

Our clear and consistent Feel-Embodied system builds trust every step of the way by keeping you (and your horses) present and pain-free.

That means you save a ton of time - while your embodied approach automatically builds trust and gets lasting results happening fast...

So you get to spend more time doing what you love.

"I came to Alissa’s wanting a deeper connection with my horse Jo - because all of my methods and techniques that I had learned and used previously on many horses were not working with this one... She would just blow through my aids or get nervous. But once I got to Alissa’s, the first exercise she had me do flipped everything upside down. Suddenly, Jo was interested in me and willing to go where I go and do what I ask. I found that Alissa’s approach to horses is very different from other “horsemanship” methods out there because you are seeking a connection and the connection becomes the reward.

After a few weeks Jo and I were on the same page, she was connected to my thoughts, very relaxed and her posture even started to improve. I am so thankful for Alissa’s help with my mare and I feel that I have a new approach to horsemanship that will be successful with so many other horses."

- RUBY MOSKOW (Horse Professional)

Is the FEEL-Embodied™ Academy right for you?

The perfect FEEL-Embodied™ Academy member is a horsewoman

who is dedicated to improving the well-being of horses and elevating our industry. You are passionate about what you do and care about making an impact with your horses and clients.

(and often wish that you didn't have to worry about using too much pressure, running out of energy or pushing through your pain to get results and do right by the horse).


If you've built an in-person practice or training business and have been trying to stand out in your area.


If you are burnt out by your career and need to make a shift to create more impact and job sustainability.


If you've gotten great results with horses at times and want to experience them every single day!

Here are what a few of our members do

🐴 Masterson Method Practitioner

🐴 Equine Massage Therapist

🐴 Doctor of Veterinary Medicine

🐴 Equine Hanna Somatics Educator

🐴 Happy Horse Happy Life Instructor

🐴 Equine Cranio-Sacral Practitioner

🐴 Dressage Trainer

🐴 Equinology Bodyworker

🐴 Animal Communicator

🐴 Pilates Instructor

🐴 Certified Animal Nutritionist

🐴 Equine Wellness Advocate

🐴 Horse/Llama Breeder

🐴 Farrier

🐴 TBT Method Practitioner

🐴 Barefoot Hoof Trimmer

🐴 Horse Owner

🐴 Personal Trainer

🐴 Barn Manager

🐴 Parelli Professional

🐴 Riding Instructor

🐴 and so many more!

What if I already do yoga, Pilates, Feldenkrais or some other kind of 'Somatic' therapy, and they are helpful but I'm just not progressing the way I want?

If you already have a self-care or fitness routine that you love - great! The Somatic Exercises we'll teach you inside FE KEY #1 are unique to Hanna Somatics, and extremely complimentary to anything else you are already doing for your body - although we do have some strong opinions about things like stretching and awareness work...but if you're here, I'm guessing it's because you feel like something is still MISSING. Usually, it's not your routine that is the problem; it's the level you're engaging with your Central Nervous System while you move. So be prepared to make our recommended tweaks so we can get your Feel, Body and Energy working better.

What if I don't have any chronic pain or body issues but I just want to have better posture and body awareness so I can be the best rider/trainer/instructor/bodyworker or partner for my horse?

That's wonderful! Even if you don't have pain or old injuries bothering you, it is very likely that you have some sneaky chronic muscle tension hiding in your body that you haven't noticed yet... and it's already hindering you from being as free, energetic and joyful in your movement as you can be.

The somatic lessons in FEEL-Embodied KEY #1 are designed to optimize the functioning of your postural reflexes, create more neural connections and continually update your body-awareness so you can detect (and fix!) any compensation patterns or maladaptive muscle memory you are developing BEFORE it causes symptoms! PLUS we teach you to reverse them before they build up in your body with a daily or weekly somatics practice.

This program is EVERYTHING you need to activate, build, improve, and sustain your most important equestrian business tools (your body, mind/brain, bubble, heart-energy, health, self-awareness and more). We have all the instructions and practices you need to re-build your foundation with the Feel of a master so you can become the most in-demand trainer or practitioner in your area. And our micro-coaching and 1-on-1 hot seats will ensure you build the right things in the right way, for the most profound results.

If you find yourself saying...

"I'm excited to start a second career in equine bodywork, but I don't know if I have enough energy or strength"

"I can't easily feel or adjust my energy or intention "

"I have no idea what to do first to quickly get my traumatized/disconnected horse to 'see' me, so I can help..."

"I feel like my body language is messy and is confusing my horse"

"I worry that my horse is having to compensate for me too much"

"I don't want to use escalating pressure or rely on treats to communicate with horses"

"I think I know how to sit correctly on a horse, but it hurts!"

"I want a program that will actually care about me"

"I want to take better care of myself, but I'm in so much pain I can barely ride"

Then the FEEL-Embodied™ Academy is a perfect fit for you!

You might NOT be a good fit if:

  • You don't want to work on yourself. We believe in iterative progress to achieve growth and ever-improving lightness - and you will end up refining your body-language and energy regulation more and more along the way. You can still make progress or money while you do the work, but if you want to learn it and leave it and never tweak how you do things with horses or take time to care for your own body, then this isn't a good fit.

  • You aren't passionate about what you are doing. Our feel-development strategy includes helping you uncover key personal and industry beliefs that don't actually align with your goals (or with neuroscience). If you aren't passionate about WHY you are doing what you do, then some of our strategies won't be fun for you.

  • You are looking for a quick fix. It's not that you can't get fast results from FEEL-Embodied, it's that we want members who are looking to build personal soundness & sustainable equine businesses, and who are willing to put in the effort to get their somatic-awareness and approach to horses right.

  • You only want to do dominance games, R+ or traditional manual therapies and don't want to build a neuroscience-based holistic system to help you get deeper and more lasting results. (This is not a trick question btw, a lot of people only want to do something familiar)

  • You want advice on how to 'work ON,' treat or diagnose horses or riders. We have a very specific Somatic Movement strategy to help humans and horses reverse the pain and poor posture caused by Motor Sensory Amnesia(MSA) - and an approach to horses that encourages self-carriage is based on consent - neither are intended to replace professional medical or veterinary advice. We want you to grow your Feel by activating your and your horses Nervous Systems to function optimally. (Note: You will see a ton of improvement of various undiagnosed health or posture issues & chronic conditions, we just don't want that to be the main goal)

Why trust me when there are a ton of other 'horsemanship,' 'rider-fitness' and 'somatics' coaches out there?

There ARE tons of equestrian coaches and courses out there, and they all (finally!) seem to be talking about the nervous system...

And it's not very realistic to ask you to trust me just from reading this page - even if you're already familiar with my Equine Hanna Somatics work and teachings. ;)

So here are a few things that might help you see that...

I not only have a unique (and proven) strategy that you won't see anywhere else, that works reliably with all humans and equines (not just most of them), I also actually care about you & your horse(s).

You won't join the FEEL-Embodied Academy and never see me again.... that's not how I work.

You can stick to the solo self-study track if that's what you want, but if you reach out, I will get to know you, your brain and how you "do horses" in a deep way... so get ready.

I could tell you all day long that I am authentic and real, that I know what I'm doing, that I care about you, that you will reach your goals in this program and that you'll feel a profound difference within 3 days (or less) of starting any FEEL-Embodied KEY #1 course...

And the 25+testimonials we have (and growing) can help give proof...

BUT the best way to see that I am the real deal and if the FEEL-Embodied Academy is the right fit for you is to EXPERIENCE IT FOR YOURSELF! (try it for 30 days)

If you want your nervous system to support you as you work with horses, you need to use the FEEL-Embodied™ System.

I bet you're great at what you do.

And I wish that being a passionate person who does good work with horses was all it took to build mastery and a sustainable equine career.

Luckily, I've spent years perfecting a way to grow your Feel rapidly while also giving your body what it needs to feel amazing and keep performing for you as you age and life keep happening to you. 🤷🏻‍♀️

The FEEL-Embodied™ System includes 3 KEY types of body/mind-awareness activation that all work together to restore your FUNCTION & grow your FEEL.


Build Your Somatic Integration

Solve chronic pain, reverse accumulated myofascial tension and re-write your trauma and compensation patterns to improve posture, enhance performance & prevent future injuries WHILE SIMULTANEOUSLY activating the Feel-center of your brain.


Create a Contract with Your Horse

Develop a herd-culture of mutual care, trust & safety by learning to offer and recognize the 3 types of connection, embody a tangible sensory experience of where you both are in space, and practicing the setting and sensing of invisible boundaries - this is how you 'feel of and for' horses.


Learn to Speak the Language of Lightness

Harness your Heart's electromagnetic field to consciously shape and project your personal energy with INTENTION to communicate more effectively (& invisibly) with horses (or people) both up-close and at a distance.

The 3 Keys to FEEL

I'll not only bring you through the exact way to reverse your body pain, fix your posture, activate and grow your feel, I also show you the most important part...


Success is in 'hacking' your Central Nervous System (with proven neuroscience).

Our lessons not only help you get your body-awareness dialed in with the right kind of Somatic Movement, I'll also show you a very specific system of applying this to working with horses to build more connection (and trust) while you work on your Feel. But it has to start with YOU.

Key #1 is to address your chronic tension, grow your internal body-awareness and get you out of pain.

It's MUCH easier than you think to rebuild your relationship with your body in a way that feels natural and will evolve with you as you grow and develop mastery with horses (or in any other area of your life).

The Feel-Embodied System will ensure that you are taking proper care of your MOST VALUABLE TOOL (your body+mind) without spending more hours at the gym or $$$ to be on someone else's massage table...


"I wanted to let you know how much I'm enjoying and benefiting from your 8-week Somatics course (in Key #1) - I didn't realize how much unconscious tension I was holding until I began to let it go, and it's such a lovely feeling. I'm only on week 3, and I feel fantastic! NOW I know why the horses look so relaxed and yawn their heads off after we do EHS sessions!"

- Kathy Adams (Equine Bodyworker)

What do I get when I join the FEEL-Embodied™ Academy KEY #1?

Lifetime access to the FE Key #1 Content (courses)

8 weeks of deep-dive Hanna Somatics lessons

A daily Somatics routine you can do anywhere

14 Somatic exercises specifically for Equestrians

Access to the private Academy Facebook Group


Periodic live Q&A's with Alissa


Learn the first Equine Hanna Somatics exercise

Access to members-only clinics and live workshops

And much, much more!

Why does the FEEL-Embodied™ Academy work so well for horse professionals?

And why am I so passionate about helping horse people?

Because it's the best way I can serve the horses of the world... and when I discover something that helps horses, I can't help but want to share it - especially when I feel like I've found the missing link for teaching the most challenging pieces of the horse+human puzzle...

"But Alissa, why does everyone keep talking about the Nervous System???"

Here's the TRUTH:

You don't really have to understand the Nervous System to be successful with horses... (whew!)

But you DO need to HAVE a functional nervous system to do it well, to 'do horses' year after year without hurting yourself, AND to do it with FEEL.

And the REALITY is, most of us are NOT 100% FUNCTIONAL. We're in survival mode, stressed out by 'hustle culture' and we constantly live on the edge of Burn-out.

Statistically over 80% of us have chronic back pain, (and that number includes all the people who haven't ever fallen off a horse!) but we keep pushing through...

If you're an Equine Bodyworker, Osteopath, DVM, Farrier, Trimmer, Rider, Trainer or other industry pro, the MORE YOU KNOW about how the nervous system functions, the MORE EFFECTIVE you will be at helping your clients get results THAT LAST, that DON'T WEAR-OFF, and actually GET BETTER WITH TIME.


Even if you are the TOP EXPERT IN YOUR FIELD, and you know EVERYTHING about horses, biomechanics and your trade or craft - you can't help anyone if you are laid-up recovering from an injury, exhaustion or your back 'going out' - things that 'never would have happened' if you were younger, fitter, or had better posture... right?

I DO have some GOOD NEWS for you:

Once you know how to take care of your OWN NEURO-MUSCULAR SYSTEM, you can easily reverse your lifetimes' accumulation of tension, pain and trauma patterns and prevent yourself from becoming 'burned-out' or getting injured - so you can HAVE A LONG AND PAIN-FREE CAREER HELPING HORSES.

Finally learn the HOW-TO, not just the WHAT... of the essential Feel-development skills that no one is teaching us in horsemanship, fitness, bodywork or horse development programs.

You can start revitalizing your foundation today by giving some much-needed attention to the most important piece - your own Body, Mind & Posture - without skipping even one day of riding, training or running your equine business.

So when I say the FEEL-Embodied™ Academy was built differently, you can start to understand what I mean, and how important it is to me to create something truly unique.

Luckily, it doesn't have to take a lifetime...


Inside FEEL-Embodied you'll find courses and lessons in 3 Key areas:

KEY #1 - Developing Your SOMATIC AWARENESS

  • INTRO to Hanna Somatics for Equestrians (& other humans)

  • 8-Week Posture Transformation Program

  • Feel & Ride Better in 30 Minutes

  • Embodiment & Mindfulness Practices

  • BONUS: Equine Hanna Somatics® - Initial Pick-ups Exercise


  • Mindset Shift: A Somatic Approach To Horsemanship

  • The Fundamentals of Connection

  • How to Set Healthy Boundaries & Herd Culture

  • Demonstrations with Horses


  • FE Framework for Speaking Non-Verbally

  • How to Invite a Horse-Human Conversation

  • Energy Activation & Volume Control

  • The Fundamentals of Politeness & Consent

...and more!


This program is evolving!

As you ask questions, I respond by adding new content to help you or to improve on the courses already inside (I'm a bit of a perfectionist, can you tell?)

So, what's the investment to join?

Our Guarantee:

We have a 30 day guarantee and we promise to ALWAYS treat you like a human being and not just a number.

Got questions?

Email me at support@alissamayer.com




Self-paced Foundation Hanna Somatics for Equestrians Program

  • The Complete 8-Week Posture Transformation Program

  • Mindset & Embodiment Lesson Collection

  • Vault of past Q&A and LIVE group Somatic Movement Classes

  • INTRO to Hanna Somatics for Equestrians (& other humans)

  • Ride Better in 30 Minutes Course

  • LIFETIME Access to all FE KEY #1 Self-Paced Content & Updates

  • LIFETIME Access to the private Feel-Embodied™ Facebook Community for direct-access support from Alissa, with Micro-Coaching

  • BONUS: Equine Hanna Somatics® - Initial Pick-ups Exercise (video-lesson)

Answers before you ask... (FAQ's)

What if I'm an Equine Assisted Therapist, Riding Instructor or Recreational Rider?

This program is for ALL horse professionals and serious students of the Horse that are ready to take their Feel to the next level - but doing the same things that seem to work for everyone else without filling the gaps in your foundation is keeping you stuck. The tools and techniques you will learn in this program are unlike anything else available in the horse industry today, and can be applied to any field or discipline. The neuroscience-basis for activating your Feel is the Missing Link to you living your dreams with horses, not just someday, but starting Tomorrow!

How long is the FEEL-Embodied™ Academy?

Everyone gets lifetime access to the FEEL-Embodied System online portal with course contents and future updates, plus lifetime access to the FES private Facebook group. Currently only FE KEY #1 is open to new students. When we open enrollment again for KEYS #2 & #3, they include an additional 12 months of access to the micro-coaching, 1-1 hot seats, group calls, and community.

Is there a guarantee?

If you come in and you know within the first month that it’s not for you, hop on a 15 minute call with me so we can understand why it's not a good fit. We will always treat you like a human and we WANT you to be in a program where you believe you can get results.

Does this program teach me to do Equine Hanna Somatics®(EHS) with horses?

Other than a few introductory EHS exercises, NO. You will hear me recommend Equine Hanna Somatics as my preferred way to help horses become supple, straight and present numerous times inside the program - but to learn how to do EHS you'll need to get the intro instructional video called Equine Hanna Somatics - Session 1 or apply to the EHS Professional Training and Certification Program. Both are available at www.equinehannasomatics.org

FAQ image

I want to join, but I’m not quite ready… what should I do?

We totally understand. Timing is important. Shoot us an email and let us know what you’re thinking as we can talk about next steps from there. support@alissamayer.com

I'm already in a horsemanship program, but I want your Somatics content?

This happens all the time. You found someone else before us and either wish you would have joined our program first, or you want to use our systems to supplement what you have now.  We totally get it. Get the FEEL-Embodied KEY #1 FOUNDATION Somatics Course Bundle by scrolling up on THIS PAGE!

Is Hanna Somatics similar to the Feldenkrais Method?

Yes, and no. Hanna Somatics can be considered an evolution of the work of Moshe Feldenkrais, but it is not the same. Feldenkrais movement emphasizes awareness and the sensory experience, whereas Hanna Somatic movement emphasizes motor control and changing the level of brain control over the muscles during the exercises.

Thomas Hanna was a friend and student of Moshe Feldenkrais, and he was inspired to build upon the foundations of what he learned from that time period. However, Hanna Somatics is centered around the revolutionary movement technique of Voluntary Pandiculation, which was developed and pioneered by Thomas Hanna, and is unique to Hanna Somatic Education. It is this new technique, which is solely credited to Thomas Hanna, that takes Hanna Somatics to the next level by actively involving the voluntary motor cortex area of the clients brain, which allows us to have such a profound and proven influence on changing resting muscle tone.

So while many of the exercises and movements may seem similar to exercises performed in other methods (because there are only so many movements the body is designed to do!) it is the WAY we do the Somatic Movement that makes Hanna Somatics so uniquely effective and powerful.

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