Grow your Feel and get out of pain with proven Hanna Somatics® exercises for Equestrians.

Feel better and ride better as soon as the next day - without doing any stretching, strengthening or manual manipulation when you learn to access the part of your brain in charge of controlling your posture and resting muscle tone. This is the best way to get a thorough introduction to doing Somatic Exercises with YOUR BODY. Spend less time in the gym and more time with horses, because Hanna Somatics makes everything you are already doing suddenly work better!

Feel better and ride better as soon as the next day - without doing any stretching, strengthening or manual manipulation when you learn to access the part of your brain in charge of controlling your posture and resting muscle tone.

Get the Intro to Hanna Somatics for Equestrians course for just $97.

(profound results in 3 days or less!)

This is the best way to get a thorough introduction to doing Somatic Exercises with YOUR BODY. Spend less time in the gym and more time with horses, because Hanna Somatics makes everything you are already doing suddenly work better!

This revolutionary course will help you:

  • Understand where chronic tension and stiffness come from and how they are related to your survival reflexes so you can actively reverse them.

  • Feel Empowered to solve your own pain by working with your body's natural systems of self-regulation and organization.

  • Wake-up your personal Energy and feel more Present and Connected to your Self AND Others in your life... (like horses)

  • Easily keep yourself flexible and ready for action, so you can keep living your passion!

As Seen In

In this comprehensive course, (based on my most popular classes teaching clinics and workshops all over the world) you'll learn how to do a series of Hanna Somatic Exercises that reset most of the major muscle groups in your body to ease back pain, turn stiffness into suppleness, restore your range-of-motion and improve your body-awareness - immediately.

Once you learn these exercises, you can do them in an easy 10-minute daily routine to reverse your existing compensation patterns, prevent the build-up of Motor-Sensory Amnesia and reduce the likelihood of injuries - for the rest of your life!

Immediately after starting this course, you will:

  • Have Less Pain and More Energy

  • Have Better Nervous System Function

  • Feel Less Brain-Fog & More Focus

  • Grow Your Body Awareness

  • Let Go of old Compensation Patterns

  • Improve your Posture & Range-Of-Motion

  • Wake up with Less Stiffness each day

  • Be Less Crooked and Cranky

  • Ride with more Balance & Confidence

  • Feel Calmer, Relaxed & Happier

  • Be a better Partner and/or Practitioner..

  • Get amazing results that don't wear off!

Out with the old...

Too many personal training and rider-fitness methods are focused on consciously controlling posture, emphasizing sensory 'awareness' or strengthening 'weakness' in your body...

Without understanding that the root cause of most compensation patterns and muscle dysfunction comes from deep inside the nervous system - in the unconscious part of your BRAIN. This is why they leave you feeling temporarily better, but with unpredictable results that don't last very long. with the NEW! with the NEW!

"This unique approach combines the deliberate motor-output (movement) and real-time sensory-input (proprioception) of voluntary pandiculation to cause your brain to rapidly change its own sub-conscious patterns, fast.

This work, rooted in the principles of basic neuroscience, is light-years beyond anything else (yes, even Feldenkrais)!"

- Alissa Mayer BSc(Equine) EHSE-C

What's included with your Intro to Hanna Somatics for Equestrians course?

  • An easy to follow crash-course in how your nervous system responds to stress, so you can finally understand WHY we get stuck in old patterns and poor posture, and HOW to get un-stuck.

  • Printable Workbook to track your goals and for easy reference to this profoundly effective series of Somatic Exercises when you are at the barn or don't have a good wifi signal.

  • My combination of video and audio lessons will guide you effortlessly through learning to do Somatic Exercises the right way, so you can quickly reverse your bad habits and re-write your old compensation patterns.

  • Lifetime Access to the course content, and anything I add to it in the future, to support you in creating a sustainable somatics practice.

  • BONUS #1: An Additional full-length Somatics Class focused on creating lasting relaxation in your Back Muscles (video lesson)

  • BONUS #2: Learn the Initial Pick-Up exercise from Equine Hanna Somatics® (video lesson)

Who is Alissa, just what exactly IS Hanna Somatics, and why should I trust her to guide me on my horse-loving journey?

(It's a great question, I'm so glad you asked!)

I've been on a quest to find the secrets to becoming a better rider, mastering Feel and riding with less pain for as long as I've been in love with horses.

I’m a super nerd, a questioner, a researcher and a learning-addicted horse-lover, and I’ve spent decades doing the work. Reading all the books. Taking all the clinics. Trying different methods, following different gurus, across oceans and continents sometimes in my quest for answers.

Call me stubborn, but I just wasn't satisfied with answers like:

"It takes a lifetime..."

"Riding correctly is supposed to hurt, you'll get used to it."


"One day you'll just feel it."

I’ve studied the anatomy, biomechanics, horsonality, veterinary science, classical riding, bodywork, alternative modalities, natural hoof care, a bunch of top horsemanship programs (and the knock-offs). English. Western. Dressage. Liberty. R+...

I've got a bachelors degree in Equine Science. I've taught clinics all over the world. I co-teach the only practitioner certification training program for Equine Hanna Somatics®. I’ve studied heart-math, psychology and dance, therapeutic riding, yoga, human evolution, body building, endurance training, hypnosis, physiology and neuroscience…

And what it comes down to is that we are programmed, at a very basic nervous-system-level, to be athletic, pain-free and AGE WELL. It's easier than you'd think to bring back suppleness and fluid movement so we can easily and painlessly flow with the go and feel both super-confident and 'at one' - with a horse, in your sport, and inside your own skin...

BUT FIRST we have to become more connected to our own muscles and activate of the power of our incredible brains to self-regulate and un-learn the tension and compensations we've accumulated over our lifetime! I've helped hundreds of athletes and riders discover how.

I want to help you build that bridge between that dream life you put on the shelf… to you actually living it, starting, well, how about tomorrow?

Grab the INTRO to Hanna Somatics for Equestrians COURSE, and get step-by-step guidance that will Profoundly Transform your Body, Energy and 'Feel' in 3 days or less...

Get the Intro to Hanna Somatics for Equestrians course for $97...

Frequently Asked Questions

Here Are A Few Questions We Get A Lot

What's the refund policy?

If you jump into the course and don't like what you see let us know. Because you get immediate access to the training and downloads you will need to show us that you went through the training and it didn't work for you in order to get a refund. We want to make sure you have an amazing experience and we think you will love this video course.

What's if I already workout and get massage, chiro or bodywork?

If you already have a maintenance or treatment plan for yourself, HS is a wonderful compliment that will make your body easier to 'adjust' and help the results of other therapies to last longer. You may even find that you will need need fewer and fewer sessions or treatments (of any type) to stay supple and moving comfortably.

What if I am in pain or recovering from an injury?

If you are in rehab from an injury or have a chronic condition, you can still benefit greatly from the exercises in this course. All of the HS exercises and movements are gentle enough for anyone to do once you are out of the acute injury stage. So, as long as your medical professional has given you permission to begin physical therapy, you can safely modify these Hanna Somatics exercises for your soma.


Hanna Somatics® (HS) is not bodywork, is not a diagnostic or treatment tool, nor is anything we teach in this course meant to take the place of professional medical advice. If you are unsure whether Hanna Somatics (or any new exercise) is appropriate for you, we recommend you consult your physician.

The terms bodywork and bodyworker are used in various places on this website because they are commonly understood labels for hands-on work that helps people and animals feel or perform better. HS is actually a slow and subtle form of training, not a manual or passive therapy that is applied to a client. The Hanna Somatic Education you participate on this site is 100% self-guided movement, and you are responsible for deciding whether each exercise is appropriate for you to do, and/or to modify each exercise as needed to keep yourself comfortable and safe.

©2025 Alissa Mayer, FEEL-Embodied™ System | All Rights Reserved